Buying groceries such as bananas in bulk is a great way to save money and stock up on things we love. We've all been there in a more or less extreme version. You can go to a whole seller and buy bananas in large crates. My version however always happens when the local store places perfectly ripe, spotted bananas in the offer section. Simply because they apparently don't fit what the regular customer perceives as a "good" banana.
In the case of this event I do my regular grocery shopping, carry my basket home and return with the car. I said it. The car! This is serious banana business. I get a shopping cart and off I go. I clear the banana offer section. And I mean it. I sweep them up. All of them. Greedy much? Oh yes!
Below you see "exhibit A" of my last banana mass-shopping incident that occurred not long ago and was documented on my Instagram account. In case you haven't met me yet:
Hello, I am Gloria. I am a confessed banana addict.
So what in the world do you do with such an industrial amount of bananas?
When I am in a real hurry I just throw them in the freezer with the peel on, or I peel them and put them in bags when there is a lack of space in the freezer. When I have a little bit more time I actually slice them up and make banana chips. They're delicious in pretty much anything or can be snacked on in their pure state.
Freezing bananas.
Here is a guide on how to freeze bananas and how you get a banana out of its peel when you freeze it as whole.
Dehydrating bananas.
This is an instruction for dehydrating them. Don't worry if you do not own a dehydrator, a conventional oven will work.
Now let's get to it ...
Never knew you could freeze them in the peel. That's so much better for the environment! Will share this. Absolutely genius!
You must not be very bright. You see, bananas are organic material. Essentialy, what this means is that they biodegrade and make excellent compost. If you are throwing your banana peels in the trash, you aren't harming the environment; but you are taking up space in a trash truck for no reason and missing out on perfectly good compost. COMPOST YOUR F---ING BANANA PEELS PEOPLE!
No reason to get personal Anthony. =) I am sure she meant it is better for the environment to freeze them in their peel instead of freezer bags. Also not everyone has the opportunity to compost their biodegradable waste but if you do then you definitely should. Personally I compost everything that I can and by now I have stacked up on freezer friendly glass containers with lids and minimized the use of plastic altogether. I should actually update this post or write a new one altogether. - Love, G.